A$AP (Alumni Scholarship Assistance Program) is a session available to Alumni Chapters for students in their area who are interested in attending The University of Alabama, and in particular, applying for scholarships. It instructs students on completing the UA Admission Application, which now includes the UA Scholarship Application; completing the Supplemental Scholarship Application; tips to best highlight high school activities and accomplishments in order to optimize opportunities to receive scholarship assistance; researching outside resources for External Scholarships; and provides student action plans on preparing for college.
High school seniors need to be admitted to UA and have submitted the UA Freshman Supplemental Scholarship Application by January 10 to maximize your opportunities to receive a scholarship.
A$AP Presentations
Monday, April 7th
5:30 p.m. CST
Zoom (Virtual)
High School students in Covington County interested in attending The University of Alabama are invited to a virtual Alumni Scholarship Assistance Program session hosted by the Covington County Alumni Chapter. Students are encouraged to attend this session before applying for admission, as the scholarship application is now part of the admissions process.
Join representatives from Alumni Scholarships, Admissions, Early College and the local alumni chapter to learn about available scholarships and discover ways for your scholarship application to stand out.
Please RSVP at: https://adm.ua.edu/register/asap-covington
Roll Tide!
Wednesday, April 16th
6:00 p.m. CST
H. M. Comer Hall, Room 1026
245 7th Avenue
Tuscaloosa, AL 354901
High School students in Tuscaloosa County interested in attending The University of Alabama are invited to an Alumni Scholarship Assistance Program session hosted by the Tuscaloosa County Alumni Chapter. Students are encouraged to attend this session before applying for admission, as the scholarship application is now part of the admissions process.
Join representatives from Alumni Scholarships, Admissions, UA Early College, and the local alumni chapter to learn about available scholarships and discover ways for your scholarship application to stand out.
Please RSVP at: https://adm.ua.edu/register/asap-tuscaloosa
Roll Tide!