By-Laws of the “ ” Chapter of the University of Alabama National Alumni Association
Article 1
Section 1. Name. The name of the organization shall be The , your name here, of the University of Alabama National Alumni Association, (the “chapter”).
Article II
Section 1. Purpose The purpose of the Chapter includes, but is not limited to: the promoting of the welfare of the University of Alabama (the “University”); the raising of funds to be used in the establishment and the continuation of University student scholarships; the presentation of awards to alumni and University staff and faculty for outstanding work in promoting the welfare of the University; engaging in public relations work in behalf of the University; supporting the goals and objectives of the University’s National Alumni Association; and the fostering of the spirit of fraternity among graduates and friends of the University through fund raising and social events.
Article III
Fiscal Year
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall begin on the first day of July in each year and end on the last day of the following June.
Article IV
Administrative Year
Section 1. Administrative Year. The administrative year of the Chapter shall run concurrent to the National Alumni Association. This usually coincides with the A-day festivities in April. The administrative year shall be used to govern: term of membership in the Chapter; term of membership on the Executive Committee, the Chapter’s governing body (“the Committee”); and, the term of Chapter’s Officers.
Article V
Section 1. Eligibility. Any individual who shall have made application to the Chapter and paid, as part of the application process, the applicable membership dues as set forth by the Chapter’s Executive Committee. Under no circumstance shall “corporate” memberships be allowed.
Section 2. Membership Dues. Membership dues are to be applied to the fiscal year during which they are received and are to not be pro rated. Regardless of when a member remits membership dues, they are due in full again at the beginning of the next administrative year and, per Article IV, Section 4, must be remitted to the Chapter within sixty days from the beginning of the new administrative year. Membership dues may be waived for an individual subject to the approval, by majority vote, of the Committee.
Section 3. Retaining Current Membership Status. Each member must: 1.)be in current status with the payment of the Chapter’s membership dues as set by the Chapter’s Committee; 2.) maintain conduct that does not harm the good name and reputation of the University of Alabama and/or the Chapter.
Section 4. Membership Termination. Membership shall be terminated: 1.) automatically, on a retroactive basis, if membership dues are not received by the Chapter’s Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer within sixty days of the beginning of the new administrative year; or 2.) by the majority vote of the Committee for reasons, such as but not limited to, it deems a member’s conduct be harmful to the good name and the reputation of the University of Alabama and/or the Chapter.
As a result of such action, the Committee shall use reasonable efforts to communicate to the terminated member of the Committee’s decision. Such “written” notification shall include communicating to the terminated member by letter, facsimile and/or by electronic means. When possible, and practical, the terminated member’s dues will be refunded on a pro rated basis.
Article VI
Section 1. Place and Time of Member Meetings. Meetings and events held for the benefit of the Chapter’s members are to be held at locations designated by the President of the Chapter.
Section 2. Place and Time of Executive Committee Meetings. Meetings of the Committee, the Chapter’s governing body, may be called by the Chapter President of the Committee at such places and times as designated by the President; however, to help assure a smooth transition from one Administrative Year to the next, the new Chapter President shall call for and hold the first Committee meeting within fifteen calendar days of the beginning of each new Administrative Year. Thereafter, the Chapter President shall call for at least one meeting of the committee within the first thirty calendar days of each remaining new quarter of the Administrative Year. In the event the President does not hold these meetings within the above mentioned timelines, the Committee’s President Elect shall call for and hold such quarterly meetings as soon as possible.
Section 3. Executive Committee Meeting Notification. Notification of Executive Committee meetings shall be provided, or caused to be provided by, the Chapter’s President or its Secretary in writing to each member of the Committee no less than five business days of the meeting, including the day of the meeting. Such “written” notification shall include communicating to members of the Committee by letter, facsimile and/or by electronic means. The notification shall include, at a minimum, the date, the start time, and the location of the meeting.
Section 4. Executive Committee Meeting Quorum. One-quarter (25%) of the total members comprising the Committee at the time shall constitute a quorum at Committee meetings. To be including in the quorum, a Committee member must be present at the meeting. If a quorum is not attained within fifteen minutes of the official start time of the meeting, the meeting is to be adjourned with no action taken by the Committee to be considered binding or officially decided. The Committee’s Secretary shall note in the Committee’s official records that the meeting was terminated, in accordance with these By-laws, for failure of attaining a quorum within the allocated fifteen-minute period.
Once a quorum has been reached and the meeting begun, should the early departure of members of the Committee reduce the remaining number of members attending the meeting to less than one-quarter of the total members comprising the Committee at the time, then the quorum shall no longer exist and the meeting must be immediately adjourned with no other Chapter business to be discussed or acted upon. (In such as situation, Chapter business discussed and decided upon, if any, during the time the quorum existed shall be considered official and binding.)
Section 5. Voting by Executive Committee Members. To vote, a member of the Committee must be present at the meetings of the Committee. Voting “in absentia” shall not be allowed. A member cannot be required to vote. A motion on the floor must be approved by a “majority” vote of those Committee members present, not just those present and voting on a particular motion.
Article VII
Executive Committee and Officers
Section 1. Number and Qualifications. The governing body, the Committee (the “Committee”), shall manage the business and the affairs of the Chapter. It is the Committee’s responsibility to set membership dues and to approve new Officers and new members to the Committee recommended to it by the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall be comprised of not less than fifteen members and no more than thirty-five members, plus any past Chapter presidents and past national officers who serve as members on the Committee. Officers and Members of the Committee (including any past Chapter presidents and past national alumni officers who serve on the Committee) must:
1.) Maintain a “current” status regarding Chapter membership dues. Committee members are to remit their dues to the Chapter Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer within sixty days of the beginning of the new Administrative Year, and
2.) During each half of the Administrative Year, attend a minimum of 50% of all Committee meetings, prior to and during the 2012-2013 Administrative Year and a minimum of three meetings during each Administrative Year thereafter.
3.) Participate on at least one standing committee (not required of Officers)
A deficiency by a Committee member or an Officer in any one of the above requirements shall be considered an automatic resignation from the Committee by that member.
Section 2. Executive Committee Member’s Term of Office. Committee members serving during the 2012-2013 Administrative Year may continue to serve on the Committee for a term of three years beginning with the 2012-2013 Administrative Year. Beginning with the 2013-2014 Administrative Year, all new members added to the Committee shall serve three-year terms. The Nominating Committee, per Article VII, shall monitor these terms and attempt to achieve an equal number of new members coming on the Committee each year. A Committee member who serves an entire Administrative Year as an Officer shall not have that year counted toward his or her three year term limit on the Committee. Committee members may serve up to two consecutive terms on the Committee. After a one-year break in service on the Committee, a previous member shall be eligible for re-election to the Committee.
Section 3. Officers and Officers’ Term of Office. The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be: the President, the President-Elect; the Treasurer; the Assistant Treasurer; the Secretary and the Immediate Past President. The Officer’s term of office shall be for one administrative year as defined in Article III, Section 1. Those serving in the position of Chapter Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer may serve up to two successive terms. In addition to being a current member of the Chapter, all Officers shall maintain a current member status with the University’s National Alumni Association.
Section 4. Officer’s Line of Succession.
The President
In the event of the President’s resignation or inability to serve, the Chapter’s President Elect shall immediately assume the role and the responsibilities of the current President’s remaining term. The Executive Committee shall then elect a new President Elect as soon as possible. In the event the President resigns or is otherwise unable to serve and such event occurs within one-hundred twenty days of the administrative year the President Elect, at his or her option, may choose to remain serving as Chapter President during the next administrative year. In this event, the Executive Committee shall then elect a President Elect for the upcoming administrative year as soon as possible.
The President Elect
In the event of the President Elect’s resignation, inability to serve or elevation to the post of Chapter President, the Chapter’s Secretary shall assume the role and the responsibilities of the President Elect until such time as the Executive Committee elects a new President Elect.
The Secretary
In the event of the Secretary’s resignation or inability to serve, the Chapter’s President Elect shall assume the role and the responsibilities of the Secretary until such time as the Executive Committee elects a new Secretary.
The Treasurer
In the event of the Treasurer’s resignation or inability to serve, the Assistant Treasurer shall assume the role and the responsibilities of the Treasurer until such time as the Executive Committee elects a new Treasurer. The Treasurer need not have previously served as the Chapter’s Assistant Treasurer prior to serving as Treasurer.
The Assistant Treasurer
In the event of the Assistant Treasurer’s resignation or inability to serve, the Treasurer shall assume the role and the responsibilities of the Assistant Treasurer until such time as the Executive Committee elects a new Assistant Treasurer. It is not required that an Assistant Treasurer first commit to serve as Treasurer at the completion of his or her term in office as Assistant Treasurer as a pre-requisite to serving as Assistant Treasurer.
The Immediate Past President
In the event the Immediate Past President’s resignation or inability to serve, the Chapter President, at his or her option, may name a member of the Executive Committee to fulfill the responsibilities delegated to the Immediate Past President by the Chapter President.
Section 5. Removal of Executive Committee Members and Officers. Notwithstanding the requirements placed on members and Officers in Article VI, Section 1, a member or Officer may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Committee.
Regardless of the reason, vacancies on the Committee are to be filled in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2.
Article VIII
Nominating Committee
Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is to be chaired by the Chapter’s current President Elect. Beginning with the 2012-2013 Administrative Year, the Nominating Committee is to provide to the current Committee members, for majority approval, a slate of Officers and new Executive Committee members to begin serving at the beginning of the next Administrative Year. This slate of Officers and new Executive Committee members for the Administrative Year is to be sent to the Chapter President no later than April 30tth of each year.
Upon receiving the slate of new Officers and Committee members from the Nominating Committee, the Chapter President shall then call for a meeting of the Committee to be held within fifteen calendar days for the purpose of approving, by a majority, the slate of candidates as proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Section 2. Vacancies. With the exception of the Immediate Past President’s inability to serve in the capacity of Immediate Past President, in the event an Officer or a member of the Executive Committee cannot complete a term in office, the Nominating Committee shall provide to the Chapter President, within thirty calendar days of the vacancy being created, the names of new candidates to complete the remaining term of the vacated position(s). The Chapter President shall then call for a meeting of the Executive Committee to be held within fifteen calendar days for the purpose of selecting from and approving, by a majority, the candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. New Officer Positions. As an amendment to these By-laws, in the event the Executive Committee approves the creation of a new Officer position, the nominating committee is to provide the Chapter President within thirty calendar days of the new Officer position being created, the names of new candidates to fill the new position(s). The Chapter President shall then call for a meeting of the Executive Committee to be held within fifteen calendar days for the purpose of selecting from and approving, by a majority, the candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. New, Mid-Year Additions to the Executive Committee. Notwithstanding the above, at any time the Nominating Committee may recommend new Committee members to the Chapter President for the Committee’s consideration. In this situation, a “vacancy”, does not exist, and the Chapter President may bring the name of the new candidate(s) before the Committee as soon as reasonably possible but not necessarily within fifteen calendar days as is required when a vacancy is to be filled.
Article IX
Section 1. Standing Committees. The following shall be considered standing committees and they shall be assigned a chairperson at all times, unless otherwise noted.
- Membership
- Fall Kick-Off Party
- Football Ticket Raffle
- Golf Tournament
- Publicity
- Web Site
- High School Student Recruitment
- Student Scholarship Selection
- Executive Committee Member and Officer Nominations (chaired by President Elect)
- Volunteers
- Scholarship Reception
Section 2. Other Committees. The Chapter President may create (and terminate) other, temporary committees as may be necessary to help meet the objectives of the Chapter and/or to assist a standing committee in its efforts. Such committees are not to detract from the efforts of or duplicate the work and responsibilities of any standing committee.
These committees may include, but are not limited to.
- “Away” game trips
- Pre-game Parties
- Football Wrap-Up Party
- Membership Drives
- Other Fund Raisers
- Other Parties
Article X
Consultants to the Executive Committee
Section 1. Consultants. From time to time, the Chapter President may wish to appoint a special committee of non-paid consultants whose on-going advice and contribution to the Chapter and to the University are valued by the President. These consultants must be members of the Chapter; however, there are no other requirements for membership to this committee. There is no limit to the number of one-year terms a member may serve on this committee. Members of this committee, as is the case with any current Chapter member, may attend Executive Committee meetings but they shall have no vote.
Article XI
Amendments to the Chapter’s By-Laws
Section 1. Modifying the By-laws. The by-laws of the Chapter may be amended at any meeting of the Committee by a two-thirds vote in favor of the proposed amendment(s). A proposed amendment may be approved, in whole or in part. Any proposed amendment to the By-laws must be provided in writing to the Committee members for their review and consideration at least five business days, including the day of the meeting, prior to the Committee meeting. Such “written” notification shall include communicating to the Committee by letter, facsimile and/or by electronic means.
These By-Laws as amended from time to time, and in accordance with its membership in the University of Alabama’s National Alumni Association, constitute the entire understanding of intent of governance by the Executive Committee of the “your name” County Chapter of the University of Alabama’s National Alumni Association. These By-Laws, as amended form time to time, are: maintained by the Chapter’s Secretary; provided to each member of the Executive Committee; and are placed on file with the University of Alabama’s National Alumni Association. These By-Laws, as amended and adopted by the Executive Committee on the date shown below, immediately supercede and replace any Chapter By-Laws adopted by the Executive Committee previous to that date shown below.
Signed By: