Pensacola Chapter


Roll Tide and welcome to the Pensacola BAMA Club website! We are delighted to offer a place where fans and alumni can stay abreast of all the latest happenings of the University of Alabama locally, nationally and of course, in “T-town” itself. Locally the Pensacola BAMA Club strives to support academic scholarship opportunities for local high school students, recruit students to the University and offer social/networking events to bring together alumni and fans in fun, casual environments. If you haven’t already done so, please sign up on our email list or even better, join today.  Your input and participation is welcomed.

It is a great time to join our Pensacola Chapter.  Currently we are in the process of growing and improving our local Pensacola chapter by creating a monthly newsletter, weekly ticket exchanges during football season, away game watching parties in Pensacola (location: TBA), Pensacola chapter parties in Tuscaloosa during home games and monthly meeting and/or events.

On behalf of our Board, we look forward to seeing you at future Pensacola BAMA Club events.

Will Moore
Pensacola Bama Club Chapter President


As of today, The Pensacola Bama Club dues are $20 per person a year. We are looking into adding a family membership in the future. We are in the process of improving and growing our local chapter and board members. We are currently creating a monthly newsletter, weekly ticket newsletters during football season, away game watching parties in Pensacola (location: TBA), Pensacola Chapter parties in Tuscaloosa during Home Games and monthly meeting and/or events.

We would love to have you involved in our local chapter as we are trying hard to grow our membership. Please write on the chapter application or email us at what areas you are interested in participating. For example: Events, game watching parties, Scholarships, football tickets, Sporting events, Finance, Membership, high school volunteer work, college fair.

Pensacola BAMA Club Application
*If you renew, or sign up as a new member by the night of the kickoff party, you will have your name put in a raffle to win an autographed Coach Saban football among many other prizes.

Coming soon: Membership cards with local discounts.

Please send dues and application to:
Pensacola Bama Club
P.O. Box 30696
Pensacola, FL 32503

Chapter Logo

Will Moore

Chapter President

Chapter Officers

Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns.

Board Email:

Facebook page: Pensacola Bama Club

Follow us on Twitter: @pcolabamaclub

2017-2018 Chapter Officers:

President – Will Moore

Vice-President – David Lewallyn

Treasurer – Steve Jones

Secretary –  Ryan Walker

Treasurer – Rachael Dannelley

Committee Chairperson – Marketing and Membership – Sabrina McLaughlin

Committee Chairperson – Scholarships – Lamar Faulkner and Theo Baars

Membership – Jenny Baars, Ryan Walker

Events – Melanie Behrends, William Behrends, Jennifer Bobo, Tommy Hopper

Publicity – Bryan Coley, Sabrina McLaughin, Jen O’brien

Social Chair – Dave Lewallyn

Members At-Large – Shelia Allen, Jennifer Bobo, Jenni Buckley, Ann Givan


On-going efforts to assist with the Tuscaloosa Tornado:

While the alumni staff and campus escaped serious damage, the City of Tuscaloosa needs our help.  Areas of the city have been decimated and it will be a long and slow recovery.  Many of you have asked how you can help.  To support the UA family or City of Tuscaloosa in the aftermath of the April 27 storms, below are links to relief efforts making a real difference in the clean up and rebuilding efforts:

Contributions to UA Acts of Kindness Fund

United Way of West Alabama

American Red Cross  (Make checks payable to American Red Cross and note in the memo line “Alabama Disaster Relief”)