If you are human, leave this field blank.Reservation Request FormAlumni Hall is located on the east edge of The University of Alabama campus, at 224 Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL. The Alumni Hall conference room and lobby may be rented for business-related functions and receptions by completing this request form.Contact InformationName *Phone *Alternate PhoneEmail *Request Type *Student/Student OrganizationUniversity of Alabama DepartmentExternal Organization or IndividualAlumni ChapterOrganization, Department or Alumni Chapter Name *If requested by an individual that is not part of an organization, department or chapter, input NA.Event Date *Event Start Time *Event End Time *Event Name *Event Description *Estimated Attendance *Will any non-UA student under the age of 19 be in attendance? *YesNoIs everyone participating in your event a UA student, faculty, or staff member? *YesNoWill food and/or beverage be served at the event? *YesNoEvent Needs *NoneA/V Equipment (Conference Room Only)OtherUser Agreement *I have read and understand the reservation polices of the National Alumni Association. I AgreeBy submitting this form, I understand that this is only a request; I have read and understand the reservation polices of the National Alumni Association.Captcha *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit