East Tennessee Chapter


The East Tennessee Chapter of The University of Alabama Alumni Association (ETUA) brings together alumni and friends living in the area. This chapter has three goals:   

  1. Inform prospective students of the high-caliber education provided by the University of Alabama
  2. Raise funds and award scholarships every year, and
  3. Provide Bama fans in East Tennessee with numerous opportunities to get together and cheer on the Tide and support the University.

Since 1980, the ETUA Chapter has awarded over 100 scholarships valued over $1,000,000.

Since 2000, the ETUA Chapter has received the National Alumni Association’s Most Outstanding Out-of-State Chapter Award in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2015, and 2019 in addition to numerous other awards.

We invite you to join our chapter and Facebook group, to participate in our meetings and special events, and to admire and support our scholarship recipients.

The current Executive Committee is: 

Jeff Barker – President 

Tate Cantrell – Secretary 

Nan Proctor – Treasurer

Jim Mungenast – Scholarship Committee Chair

Ginny Morrow – Social Committee Chair

Ruth Ann Terry = Young Alumni Coordinator

Ed Lester – Previous President

Bill Campbell – Previous President

Greg Stroud – Previous President, current NAA Region 3 Vice President

The ETUA Chapter email address is: etnual@gmail.com. This email inbox is monitored, and a timely response will be provided to all inquiriesIf you provide your phone number in the inquiry, we will call you to discuss your inquiry.

The ETUA Chapter Facebook group is East Tennessee Chapter, The University of Alabama Alumni Association.


If you are a friend, fan, or alumnus of the University of Alabama, please join us. Graduating from The University of Alabama is not a requirement for membership. 

The annual membership fee is $25 for an individual or $40 for a family. Download the Membership Form and mail it with your check. Your membership fee helps support ETUA’s mission of sending students from this area to the University of Alabama as well as chapter activities.  As a member, you can play an active role in the chapter, attend events, and have opportunities for game tickets and other benefits.  

ETUA Membership Form 2024-25

Chapter Logo

Jeff Barker

Chapter President

Scholarship Information

East Tennessee UA Scholarship Program

Nothing distinguishes the ETUA Chapter more than our passionate pursuit of scholarships. 

  • We raise funds for scholarships. 
  • We actively recruit local area students through college fairs and other activities. 
  • We award scholarships. 

Scholarships are typically $10,000 each. They are given to incoming freshmen from the area who have timely applied for scholarship consideration through the general University of Alabama scholarship application process. In addition, when the ETUA Scholarship Committee deems feasible, they may provide a smaller annual stipend to our scholarship recipients who maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average through their sophomore, junior and senior years.

ETUA has the largest corpus balance of any chapter outside the state of Alabama, which allows the chapter to award some of the largest scholarships in the nation to students in the East Tennessee area.

To be considered for ETUA scholarships, incoming freshmen must complete the general University of Alabama scholarship application in a timely manner. 


ETUA Chapter Endowed Scholarships

Col. Joe and Claire Shephard Endowed Scholarship

William P. and Norene Stallworth Endowed Scholarship

Jim Bogan Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Edmond B. Lester & Roberta J. Evans Endowed Scholarship

Mark and Elaine Heinrich Endowed Scholarship

Virginia K. & William E. Morrow Endowed Scholarship

Brig. General Jim & Jeanie Mungenast Endowed Scholarship

Dr. & Mrs. Bill Stallworth Endowed Scholarship

Hoyt & Margie Turbyfill Endowed Scholarship

ETUA Chapter Endowed Scholarship

Jeffrey and Ana Barker Endowed Scholarship

Zachary J. Veum Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Ann Ray Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Scholarship recipients

Savannah Baughn (Oak Ridge High School)
Jaycle Elaine Myers (Bearden High School)   Stallworth
Taylor Elizabeth Jordan (Webb School of Knoxville)   Morrow
2023 Mason Anthony Benedetti (Farragut)                         Shepherd
Madelyn Rae Henrie (Farragut)                         Stallworth
Tessa Olivia-Rose Schlomer (Farragut)                         Morrow
2022 Julia V. Ten Eyck (Maryville)                                  Stallworth
Marlee Mckenna Biggs (Bearden)                                  Morrow
Blakely Elizabeth Beron (CAK)                                  Shepherd
2021 Sadie Johnson (Morrow) Morrow & Lester/Evans
Elliana Weatherbie (Jefferson County) Stallworth & Shepherd
Mallory Deeson (Farragut) Bogan & Turbyfill
2020 Madison Hullett (Farragut) Shepherd
Katherine Dansereau (West) Stallworth & Turbyfill
Ruthanne Carter (West) Morrow
2019 Kathryn Rose White Shepherd
Andrew Tyler Engebretsen Stallworth, Turbyfill, ET Endowed
Mitchell Deeson Morrow
2018 Gracie Benevicz (Bearden High School) Stallworth, Turbyfill
  Jacob Wall (Maryville High School) Shepherd
  Tanner White (Hardin Valley Academy) Morrow, Bogan
2017 Emma Karen Gentile (Hardin Valley Academy) Shepherd, Turbyfill
  Sierra B. Hall (Halls) Stallworth, Morrow
2016 Elijah Scarce (Morristown Hamblin W) Shepherd
Brittany Alysse Tolson (Powell) Stallworth
Lindsay Howard (Bearden) Turbyfill
Kaylee R. Dillon (Karns) Bogan
2015 Anna Lee Hawkins (Jefferson County) Shepherd
Hunter Harmon (Seymour) Stallworth
Brooke Jepko (Sevier County) Turbyfill & Bogan
2014 Addalee Cantrell (West) Shepherd & Bogan
Taylor “Rayne” Riden (William Blount) Stallworth
Zachary Rayborn (Maryville) Turbyfill
2013 Sarah Cottingham (Oak Ridge) Shepherd
Maycie Cochram (Halls) Stallworth
Olivia Davis (Bearden) Turbyfill
2012 Mary Beth Lewis (Farragut) Shepherd
Rebecca Stover (Bearden) Stallworth
Rachael Bower (Webb) Turbyfill
2011 Samuel Carden (Farragut) Shepherd
Caleb Felker (Hardin Valley Academy) Stallworth
Lucas Earl (Knoxville Catholic) Turbyfill
2010 Rebecca E. Fleenor (Christian Academy of Knoxville) Shepherd
Abigail Begovich (Farragut) Stallworth
McKenzie Pope (Home Schooled) Turbyfill
2009 Julia Gardial (Knoxville Catholic) Shepherd
Paul Toth (Farragut) Stallworth
Emily Bithorn (Bearden) Turbyfill
2008 Patrick Cady (Knoxville Catholic) Shepherd
Amanda Lewis (Farragut) Stallworth
Christine Earl (Knoxville Catholic) Turbyfill
2007 Kelsey Soloman (Dobyns Bennett) Shepherd
Sydney McWaters (Maryville) Stallworth
Seth Nelson (Dobyns Bennett) Turbyfill
2006 Callie McCamy (West) Shepherd
2005 John Ellis (Jefferson County) Shepherd
2004 Lauren Bell (Knoxville Catholic) Shepherd
2003 Katrina Maggi (Knoxville Catholic) Shepherd
Tracy Steed (Knoxville Catholic) Shepherd
2002 Leanne Gentry (Anderson County) Shepherd
2001 Anna Lynn Hanson (Clinton) Shepherd
2000 Alyson Cantrell (Farragut) Shepherd
1999 Melody Nicole Johnson (Dobyns-Bennet) Shepherd
1998 Jennifer Angela Bibby (Oak Ridge) Shepherd
1997 Michael Wayne Missagia (Oak Ridge) Shepherd
1996 Brian Edward Sparks (Karns) Shepherd
1995 Carrie Elizabeth Gaddis (Oak Ridge) Shepherd
1994 Patrick Lynn Bullock (Halls) Shepherd
1993 Sarah Anne Mezga (Farragut) Shepherd
1992 Mack Bradley Sparks (Karns) Shepherd
1991 Christi Renee Morris (Loudon) Shepherd
1990 Valerie Eby (Maryville) Shepherd
1989 Amy Elizabeth McManus (Bearden) Shepherd
1988 Elizabeth Ann Hendon (Farragut) Shepherd
1987 Karen Elizabeth Bryant (Webb) Shepherd
1986 Paige Whetstone (Farragut) M.J. Langley Memorial Scholarship
1985 Christopher Carr Ackerson (Farragut) Bill Huddleston Memorial Scholarship
1984 Tracy Monique Russell (Farragut) Gift, Col. Joe & Claire Shepherd
1983 Anna Katherine Smith (Maryville)
1982 Robin Lynn Latham (Oak Ridge)
1981 Anna Katherine Smith (Maryville)
1980 Beverly Ann Bradford (Greenville)
Celia Ann Jackson (Bearden)


ETUA Scholarship Information Assistance 

ETUA Chapter officers and members can assist area students interested in the University of Alabama.  We can give referrals to the correct University staff members and answer questions about attending the University of Alabama. In addition, we can help provide customized campus visits for highly qualified students. Please reach out to any ETUA officer for information.



  • Aug 23, 2023: Student Recruiting Event, Bridgewater Place, Knoxville
  • Sep 07, 2023: ESPN Senior Sports Writer Chris Low Speaker Event, Lakeside Tavern, Knoxville
  • Oct 17, 2023: UA Athletics Sportscaster Chris Stewart Speaker Event, Lakeside Tavern, Knoxville
  • Oct 21, 2023: Tennessee Game Watch, Schulz Brau Brewery, Knoxville
  • Nov 4, 2023: LSU Game Watch, Carolina Ale House, Knoxville
  • Nov 11, 2023: Kentucky Game Bus & Tailgating with the Tide, Lexington
  • Nov 18, 2023: Community Service at Second Harvest Food Kitchen, Maryville
  • Dec 2, 2023: SEC Championship Game Watch, Carolina Ale House, Knoxville
  • Jan 1, 2024: Rose Bowl Game Watch, Carolina Ale House, Knoxville
  • March 21, 2024: UA Athletics Sportscaster Eli Gold Speaker Event, Fox Den Country Club, Knoxville
  • May 14, 2024: Scholarship Awards Banquet, Fox Den Country Club, Knoxville
  • May 27, 2024:  Memorial Day Community Service, East Tennessee Veterans Memorial at World’s Fair Park, Knoxville
  • August 27, 2024:  Student Recruiting Event, Bridgewater Place, Knoxville
  • September 14, 2024: Wisconsin Game Watch, Carolina Ale House, Knoxville
  • September 19, 2024:  Young Alumni Happy Hour, Xul Brewing Co., Knoxville
  • September 23-28, 2024:  Beat Georgia Donation Challenge
  • September 28, 2024:  Georgia Game Watch, XUL Beer Company, Knoxville
  • October 19, 2024:  Tennessee Pre-Game Party, XUL Beer Company, Knoxville
  • November 9, 2024:  LSU Game Watch, Carolina Ale House, Knoxville
  • January 25, 2025:  Second Harvest Food Bank Community Service, Maryville
  • February 19, 2025: Greg Byrne Speaker Event and Silent Auction Fundraiser, Fox Den Country Club, Knoxville
  • March 1, 2025: Tennessee Men’s Basketball Game Watch, Knoxville venue TBD
  • May 1, 2025: Scholarship Awards Banquet, Fox Den Country Club, Knoxville
  • May 11, 2025: Field Trip to SEC Rowing Championship, Oak Ridge
  • August 2025: Student Recruiting Event, Knoxville venue TBD
  • September 2025: “Do Right: The Stallings Standard Movie Event, Knoxville Catholic High School, Coach Gene Stallings’ Training Center (dedicated to Coach Stallings in 2009 when he visited)


By  Worth Wilkerson (originally written August 2000; edited to update) 

The Early Days

The East Tennessee Chapter of the University of Alabama Alumni Association received its charter in 1948. Jeff Coleman, secretary of the NAA, presented the charter at a meeting held at the Andrew Johnson Hotel in downtown Knoxville. Sherrill Mitchell, class of 1926, was installed as the chapter’s first president.

New Directions

Changes were made in the late 1970’s that put the chapter on its present course and established it as one of the National Alumni Association’s premier out-of-state chapters. 

First, Col. Joe Shepherd, then a faculty member at the University of Tennessee, secured a permanent meeting place at the Faculty Club, and the club started meeting on the third Friday of every month (in honor of a little rivalry called the 3rd Saturday in October). 

Secondly, the chapter, acting on a suggestion from Travis Parker, voted to establish a chapter scholarship. The scholarship, initially valued at $1,000, would be used to encourage top East Tennessee Area students to attend UA. 

Gathering Funds for Scholarship

Fundraising to support the scholarship commitment became the chapter’s focus. Encouraged by a contribution from Joe and Claire Shepherd, several chapter members agreed to contribute $100 each to get the scholarship fund going. In 1980, the chapter had enough cash to award its first scholarship. 

For several years, the chapter had to fund the scholarship from its current funds while it worked to accumulate the minimum amount required to endow a scholarship through the NAA. In 1987, the goal was finally reached, and an endowed scholarship became a reality. In recognition of their continuing generous support of the scholarship, the chapter named the scholarship in honor of Col. Joe and Claire Shepherd.

Notable Success

With a growing number of scholarship endowments, a student recruitment effort that reaches thousands of high school students, an annual spring banquet, popular game watch events, and well-attended meetings, it is no surprise that the East Tennessee Chapter is a perennial winner of Chapter of the Year honors from the NAA. 



January 25th, 2025: Volunteer at Second Harvest Food

Volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank, January 25th, 2025
Volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank, January 25th, 2025


May 2024 Scholarship Awards Banquet


Eli Gold dinner, March 21, 2024

July 2024 NAA Chapter Leadership Workshop
July 2024 NAA Chapter Leadership Workshop
July 2024 NAA Chapter Leadership Workshop
August 2024 Endowment Banquet – Tuscaloosa
August 2024 Endowment Banquet – Tuscaloosa
September 2024 Traveling with the Tide – England
September 2024 Wisconsin Game Watch – Knoxville
September 2024 Young Alumni Happy Hour – Knoxville
September 2024 Young Alumni Happy Hour – Knoxville
September 2024 Georgia Game Watch – Knoxville
August 2024 Recruiting Event – Knoxville
August 2024 Recruiting Event – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
October Tennessee Pre-Game Party – Knoxville
LSU Game Watch – Knoxville
USAF retired Brigadier General Jim Mungenast presenting the prestigious Sam Hardman Award to Reverend Dr. Pat Polis for his longstanding commitment to veterans. Both Jim and Pat have also worked tirelessly on the East Tennessee Scholarship Committee for decades, ensuring East Tennessee’s finest students receive scholarships to attend The University of Alabama.
November 2024 – Knoxville